
Hello and Welcome to my Action Research Journey! As I prepare to present my research and experience this April at the Saint Mary's Spring Conference I know that some of you are visiting this blog as a way of preparing for the seminar. I would encourage you to start at the end of the blog and read from that point forward to help you better understand my Action Research Journey. Please feel free to post questions and comments as you read! I look forward to discussing with you what I have done as I strive to keep my 4th grade readers attitudes positive while also working to motivate and engage them through student choice. I also look forward to hearing from you about what you have done or tried in your own classroom.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Thinking about Challenges and Changes

This past week we have taken some time to get back to the basics. As we hit the mid-point of our year together I was starting to observe some of the things I have seen in the past throughout the year... a lot of movement during independent reading time – a lot of “time wasting” movement! I am happy that I have not been seeing this all year, and it is a challenge I expected to arise sooner or later. So as a way of refocusing our independent choice time I decided that we were going to spend some time reviewing and getting back to the basics.

This was done through a lot of conversations this week before and after independent choice time. Mid-week as the students were settling in for choice time I heard one student say to other (as they were about to do Read to Someone) “Remember to grab your back up book in case we finish this one!” YES! They were really listening to me! On Friday we had mandatory Read to Self  practice time, some student were bummed that they could not do other choices, however we reviewed why we needed to have this time and overall it was great. It was very quiet and there was little movement and most of the 25 students were on task and reading, only a few were “fake reading” so I feel a conversation about that would be helpful next week.

Overall my observations and surveys have continue to yield positive results, the student enjoy Reading Workshop, and I am confident that choices are something I will continue to offer as a way of keeping my student motivated to read, but the question has been asked “How do you plan to sustain what you have started?” The answer to that question is simple, for this year, we will just keep doing things the way we have always done them; this year’s 4th graders don’t know any different. But to truly sustain what I have started there are some things that I would like to change.

My biggest challenge right now it TIME, and that is not something I have the power to change. Using our Reading Workshop time for independent choices and our basal reading book leaves us with very little time to spare, and there are other things that I would like to include into Reading Workshop as well. For example, this week in our basal we read a story title The Last Dragon, because this story took place in Chinatown we also took time to focus on the Chinese New Year, which started this Monday. It was a perfect story to connect to something that was going on in the world. We talked about the Chinese zodiac calendar, what “year” we were all born in, and made paper lanterns for the Lantern Festival, celebrated on the last night of the Chinese New Year, not to mention needing to find time for a comprehension quiz. The students enjoyed all of these extras, and it was a great learning experience, however, if you add all that stuff in to our already crammed Reading Workshop block and you are not left with much time for choices. In my research much of what I read talked about having time for more than one choice each day, but in our classroom that just hasn’t fit. Students have a weekly log on which they log what they have done each day, I have thought about making it a two week log where students can look at what they have done over a two week period and try to complete a variety of choices, versus just a week by week log. I feel that the log does help to hold students accountable for what they do each day, as I take time over the weekend to look at their log and comment, or take notes, as needed.

Moving forward as I continue to offer choices in Reading Workshop I would also like to build a more concrete plan for how I meet and work with my students on their reading skills and abilities. I have read the CAFÉ book and would like to implement some of those ideas, not that I am confident in how to offer choices and manage my classroom as a group of independent readers.

Teaching is a never ending process of learning new things, trying new things, and finding great ways to motivate your learners and help them be successful!  

Friday, January 20, 2012

Back to the Basics

This week we tired to spend a little time getting back to the basics of what we should be doing in Reading Workshop, while also accomplishing everything that needs to be accomplished. (Easier said then done.) Our main focus this week was on the movement that seems to occur lately during Reading Workshop. I have noticed a trend... after a good solid 10 - 15 minutes of independent choice time there tends to be a lot of movement, too much movement. Students are getting up to put books away, get a new book, take a walk around the room, etc. We reviewed how and why this should be avoided, and the next day things seemed to really improve, except for 3 specific boys. Next week I plan to head right over to them at the start of Reading Workshop and make sure they have everything they need to get started.

While spending some time focusing on the "management" of Reading Workshop I have also made an intention for myself. Now that I have worked to create a reading block where quality independent work is being completed I want to really focus more on one on on and small group conferences and guided reading. I am not sure what exactly I want that to look like yet, but I know I would like to move towards using the CAFE model as I continue to work with offering choices in reading.

Sometime I feel like there is so much I want to do... and there is always so little time.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy 2012!

Happy New Year! We started 2012 off with a great week back at school, and many students came back from their Christmas break with NEW books that they were excited to read! One of my students listed off all of the new books he had gotten for Christmas and then told me that he was now "set for the rest of the year!" I was thrilled to hear this and to see so many students excited to tell me what books they got Christmas' I love to see my students LOVE READING!

Prior to Christmas break (as I mentioned before) we took some "time off" from Reading Workshop with Choices and strictly did Read to Self while completing certain tasks on an Independent Reading Contract. I used this change in our routine to guage students feelings and attitudes towards having choices in Reading Workshop in a different way. Upon returning from break I had the students complete a survey a few questions regarding which approach to Reading Workshop they enjoyed the most, and the results speak for themselves.

Question 1 asked: How did you feel about doing the Independent Reading Contract before Christmas instead of having choices in Reading Workshop?
1 = LOVE IT!      4 = LIKE IT!      10 = Ho Hum...     9 = Don't Like It!
Question 2 asked: How would you feel about changing Reading Workshop and doing more contracts like what we did before Christmas?
1 = LOVE IT!      2 = LIKE IT!       9 = Ho Hum...     12 = Don't Like It!
Question 3 asked: How would you feel about continuing to have choices in Reading Workshop like we usually do?
18 = LOVE IT!     4 = LIKE IT!      2 = Ho Hum...     0 = Don't Like It!

I also asked the students a more open ended questions about which approach to Reading Workshop students prefered and why... and again the responses were overwhelming. The majority of the students prefer Reading Workshop with Choices, for reasons such as: I like not doing the same thing everyday. I get to read in different ways which is more fun. Because it is better to work with friends.

The final question on the survey was a complete this sentence questions: In 4th Grade Reading Workshop is... Students answered this in a variety of ways: Fun! Awesome! Nice! Very Helpful! but the one that stuck out the most to be and helped to validate everything I am doing was the one that read: Great when we have choices!

Last week Reading Workshop was back to having choices, but not fully "back to normal" as we did not have a story out of our reading hardcover book. Instead we launched the next theme in our reading book called: That's Amazing! by doing a short study on Tall Tales. Students enjoyed reading and doing activities relating to a variety of different Tall Tales. This week we will be fully back to our routine with a story out of our reading hardcover book as well.

As I went over the student's Reading Logs this weekend I did notice some students getting lazy with their logging. I did have to be gone for 2 days last week, so part of it may have been not having me there to give my usual reminders, but I also took this to mean that this may be a good time of year to review the expectations of Reading Workshop and all of the different choices, so that will be on our list of things to do this week....

Happy Teaching! Have a great week!