
Hello and Welcome to my Action Research Journey! As I prepare to present my research and experience this April at the Saint Mary's Spring Conference I know that some of you are visiting this blog as a way of preparing for the seminar. I would encourage you to start at the end of the blog and read from that point forward to help you better understand my Action Research Journey. Please feel free to post questions and comments as you read! I look forward to discussing with you what I have done as I strive to keep my 4th grade readers attitudes positive while also working to motivate and engage them through student choice. I also look forward to hearing from you about what you have done or tried in your own classroom.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Back to the Basics

This week we tired to spend a little time getting back to the basics of what we should be doing in Reading Workshop, while also accomplishing everything that needs to be accomplished. (Easier said then done.) Our main focus this week was on the movement that seems to occur lately during Reading Workshop. I have noticed a trend... after a good solid 10 - 15 minutes of independent choice time there tends to be a lot of movement, too much movement. Students are getting up to put books away, get a new book, take a walk around the room, etc. We reviewed how and why this should be avoided, and the next day things seemed to really improve, except for 3 specific boys. Next week I plan to head right over to them at the start of Reading Workshop and make sure they have everything they need to get started.

While spending some time focusing on the "management" of Reading Workshop I have also made an intention for myself. Now that I have worked to create a reading block where quality independent work is being completed I want to really focus more on one on on and small group conferences and guided reading. I am not sure what exactly I want that to look like yet, but I know I would like to move towards using the CAFE model as I continue to work with offering choices in reading.

Sometime I feel like there is so much I want to do... and there is always so little time.

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