Throughout my Action Research I have tried to collect data mainly through observations and surveys. My students also take part in NWEA testing, however we only test in the fall and the spring, so at this time I am unable to use that data at this time. In April when I present my Action Research to other educators I will have the NWEA test scores and will be able to use them as a part of my final presentation.
Overall my goal of providing choices during reading was to create 4th graders with positive attitudes towards reading. My research stated that one way to help promote positive attitudes towards something is to allow for student choice. Therefore I provided choices in reading in hopes that the students would be more motivated to take part in reading and the correlating activities associated with reading. Ideally this would then have positive impacts on their success in reading, which would carry over into many areas, as reading plays an important role in many aspects of our lives.
My observations are a comparison of my students from previous years (keeping in mind that each class is different) with my current students, and a comparison of my current students and how they have changed throughout the year. At the start of the year I had a handful of students who struggled with settling in to read, and reading for the duration of "choice" time. As the year has progressed and more choices have been added I have seen some of those students fully engaged in their choices during "choice" time. Some continue to need my support, but I definitely spend less time keeping students on task then I have had to in previous year, or since the start of this year. I find that to be a sign of success for allowing these choices during reading. In the past I have felt that half of the battle of independent reading time can be keeping students on task and focused, at this point in the year I do not feel that is a battle I need to fight with my students as they often times are motivated to complete the task that they are working on.
My survey results have remained positive throughout the year. At the beginning of the year I gave a Reading Attitude Survey. During the first week of school, before introducing choices my 4th graders had the following results:
When asked: "How did you feel about independent reading time in 3rd grade?"
11 = Love it! 9 = Like it! 4 = Ho-Hum! and 1 = Don't like it!
When asked: "How do you feel when it's time for reading class?"
13 = Love it! 6 = Like it! 5 = Ho-Hum! and 1 = Don't like it!
These reults showed me at the start of the year that I did have a group of studets who, for the most part enjoyed reading.
At the end of September a survey with different questions showed similar results.
When asked:
How do you feel about Reading Workshop so far in 4th grade?"
8 = Love it! 12 = Like it! 4 = Ho-Hum! and 1 = Don't like it!
When asked:
"How do you feel about having choices in reading?"
12 = Love it! 11 = Like it! 2 = Ho-Hum and 0 = Don't like it!
In December when asked the same questions, the results had shifted slightly, and the attitudes stayed positive. At this point in the year as I looked at the results I also thought about the fact that we had been in our routine for awhile, and over time things that are routine can become a little less exciting. The results however continued to show postive attiudes towards reading and my observations continued to show engaged and motivated reader. At this point in the year I was THRILLED to see 0's in the Don't like it catergory.
When asked: How do you feel about Reading Workshop so far in 4th grade?"
8 = Love it! 14 = Like it! 4 = Ho-Hum! and 0 = Don't like it!
When asked: "How do you feel about having choices in reading?"
12 = Love it! 12 = Like it! 1 = Ho-Hum and 0 = Don't like it! I have made a few bar graphs to show a comparision of some of these results, however I can not figure out how to upload them to this blog. I will talk to some of the "tech support" people in my life and see if the can assit me with gettin the visuals onto this blog.
Looking forward I plan to give my students the Reading Attitude Survery again to look at their overall attitude towards reading, compared to the start of the year. This survey is 20 questions, compared to the smaller 4 - 5 question surveys I have given throughout the year. I look forward to getting the results of the attitude survey and comparing them to the start of the year.
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